Thursday, March 17, 2005

Experimenting with Blogger and Blogjet

This post will probably be the last on this blog.*

I started with another blog before trying Blogger and will continue there.

Friends had asked about a free service and I felt had to try Blogger before I could recommend they try it. It has been good but prefer the other solution for my work & content. The other reason for this was to try BlogJet with another service and that has been very successful.

If you want a great free blog, I recommend Blogger and if you want a great off-line post composition tool try BlogJet. The combination is great.

* I reserve the right to change my mind at any time :-)

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Billy Connolly - World Tour of New Zealand

Billy Connolly’s series World Tour of New Zealand is currently screening here. The 100% Pure New Zealand site have a great page about the series including slides, stories and links to things & places seen in the show.

They also have a day by day route map. If you are planning a trip to NZ its a great place to start.

Billy Connolly in New Zealand
Filming magnificent sperm whales, having a cup of tea on a back road to no-where, eating shellfish plucked from the sand with local Maori…
These are just some of the memories Billy Connolly has of his unique tour of New Zealand for the fourth Billy Connolly World Tour television series. Guess what? You can have the very same experience.

World tour of New Zealand Route - Day by day maps and activities

His own site is awesome. “Isn’t it the best looking place you’ve ever seen?” he asks and it is!

Maximus: SuperMaxi racing yacht

I saw the new SuperMaxi racing yacht Maximus on the harbour for the first time on Sunday, while cycling. Unfortunately by the time I got a clear view from North Head for it was motoring.

Team EBS founders Charles Brown and Bill Buckley asked designer Greg Elliot to come up with the “fastest boat for its size”. Size was about the only criteria and at 30.5 metres (approx 100ft) overall length its huge! Comparison with the super-yacht and smaller boats around it (see photo) gives some idea of the scale.

Built by Cookson Boat Builders Maximus pushes the limits of SuperMaxi design with a carbon hull, canting (swing) keel and rotating wing mast. The links below show some of the design and technology behind this impressive project.

Next time, I’ll catch it in action!

Maximus Weblinks:

Video (Broadband and Dialup) featuring interviews with EBS bosses Charles Brown and Bill Buckley as well as members of the design team, boat builder and more.

Gallery: CAD design and tank testing

Maximus sea trials (Greg Elliot website news-page)


Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The New Zealand Edge

Kiwi's on The Edge

The New Zealand Edge : :

Ever since Columbus didn't dip over the precipice and disappear into the cosmos, or the first images of the earth's circumference from space were beamed back out to TV screens, people have taken easy comfort in the spherical outlines of planet earth - but no more - every week across (not around) the planet, thousands of New Zealanders are - upsetting assumptions, rocking equilibriums and putting the edge back into the globe.